About Fiskerikajen
Fiskerikajen has a passion for low impact fishing and the uncompromising pursuit for the highest quality.

We know our place in the food system and recognize our responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable use of the ocean's resources.
Fiskerikajen has been part of Nordward since 2019 and is, together with Kvalitetsfisk in Stockholm and FGSFOODS in Fredericia, the largest fish wholesaler in the Nordic region.

Fiskerikajen has calculated its CO2e emissions on our purchase.
In order to better form a picture of the total footprint, we add another filter which is the capture method and finally we take the emissions from our inbound transport and outbound distribution.
We support fishing with pods for langoustines and whelks and are always looking to expand our range of seafood caught with low impact gear.

Partners & Friends

Fiskerikajen i pressen

"Torvehallerne is Culinary Hot Spot in Copenhagen – The boisterous apron-clad fellows at the Fiskerikajen fish market."

"Politikens anmeldere anbefaler: Her får du Københavns bedste fastfood. (...) Østers fås næppe bedre end hos Fiskerikajen i Torvehallerne, der tilmed er firstmovere inden for bæredygtigt fiskeri.”