Turbot Release 24
Again this year, we are teaming up with ODFF to give nature an extra hand. And again this year, your restaurant can help collect donations!
We have two goals this year: To release 10,000 turbots in Stevns this August. And to raise startup capital for a new large breeding center located in Rødvig Harbor.
As something new, we will continue collecting donations until we have raised 450,000 DKK. If we succeed, next year we can move the ODFF release work into new surroundings and in the future be able to release many more turbot and other fish wherever nature needs an extra hand.

“Exposure of turbot may affect the population of the invasive species black-mouthed goby. Thus, these releases are part of the solution for the natural fish stocks to dominate the shallow rock and mussel reefs again and hopefully restore an ecological balance in affected areas. It is for the benefit of us — the users of the sea that surrounds us, but certainly also for the benefit of the sea, which has long needed a show of hands”
- Mikkel Kehler Villadsen, Marine biologist

Just like last year, you can participate in two ways. If you sell turbot at your restaurant, you can participate by donating 12.5 DKK per turbot, which is the price for releasing one turbot. If you don’t sell turbot, you can still participate by donating any amount you choose. Fiskerikajen will donate the first 50,000 DKK.
Participants in Turbot Release 24 will receive a cool sticker to place in the restaurant window so guests can see that they are supporting the cause when they eat turbot.
You will also have the opportunity to visit the small turbot at Den Blå Planet while they are growing, and you are of course invited to the big event when we release the little turbot in Stevns in August. Therefore, we hope you will join us! Both this year and in the future. Together we can actually do something really awesome here!

Turbot Release 23
In August 2023, together with more than 30 restaurants and in collaboration with ODFF and Den Blå Planet, we released 10,000 small turbots in the waters off Stevns. The project was a huge success for everyone involved, especially for the ocean. The small turbot are now working around the clock to keep the black goby in check and are helping to enrich our marine nature while doing so.